First impressions among program users are created instantly, and the toolbar icons and graphic sets used within a project are a major art of this impression. With the right icons, you can make your application meaningful and memorable -and can help your users navigate your functions and operations with ease. Our free icons depict many object symbols. These 48 x 48 icons are a great choice for any development project, whether you're looking for a ball icon, a television set, or even a turtle.
Icon images are provided in size 48x48 only, in a 32-bit color scheme. The file formats are PNG, BMP and ICO. It is available for instant free download.
48x48 Free Object Icons

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All free icons listed on this page are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. This means that you can freely use these icons for any personal and commercial purposes (software interfaces, online services, blogs, templates etc.). However, you should include a link to www.aha-soft.com in your credits.
Enjoy Free Object Icons of Every Kind that Sparkle and Shine with Style
Incorporating attractive icons into your project is easy with our 48 x 48 icons of object symbols. These free icons have a fresh look that will make your program or other application shine and stand out amongst your competitors.
Approaching the task of adding icons to your program or project can be daunting. Choosing just the right design, color, and representation for an operation is an important process, and one that can greatly impact the overall success of the end product. Our icon collections focus on bringing a unified and modern style to every piece, letting your users navigate with ease while also presenting an attractive look and feel. This collection of free icons for object symbols has been designed with precisely these principles in mind, and will add a sense of continuity and flair to your program.
The surprising range of object icons in this set is sure to help you find creative ways to enhance your application. With a ball icon, a bow tie, light switches, bugs, food items, simple colorful buttons, and scores of other options, you'll never run out of fun and fashionable icons with this collection. You can bring out the smoothness and vivid colors of these icons through their generous 48 x 48 icons resolution, and a choice of three different format options including ICO, PNG, and BMP allow for easy integration into nearly any project.
Imagine the simplicity and convenience of having the ideal icon ball or any number of other object icons available for your use on the spot, in a set of objects that carry a continuous artistic style. That's one of the many benefits of using our free icons collection for object symbols, and you can get started simply by downloading the set and opening your project files.
When you want to work with attractive, modern, professionally-designed icons that have a universal appeal and can easily communicate their meaning to users, our object icons can easily and efficiently fulfill your requirements. Invigorate your project with the vivid colors and sleek lines of these object icons and ensure that you always have a considerable set of icon graphics at hand with our free icons download.
You can solve the dilemma of how to source great object icons for your application in a single bound with this complete set. For a professional look that carries through each and every piece and will convince your users you've paid dearly for your icons, our set has the power to change the course of your project.
Copyright © 2005-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
Individual Ready Icons
You can get individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1.00 when purchased individually.
Icon Usage Agreement
Icon Craft is our pick. It allows you to design and edit all kinds of graphics required in the software development cycle, including icons, static and animated cursors and interface elements - all these kinds of graphics can now be designed in a single application.
Icon Processor is an icon converter. It makes icons from your images. It's possible to convert 256-color icons into True Color icons and XP icons.
ICL-Icon Extractor will scan your files, archives, folders and all local disks for icons. It can download icons from the Internet and customize Windows icons.
Perfect Icon makes icon from any graphic file (PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, WMF and more) in just seconds. Create stylish icons for Windows XP. Easily replace, colorize and save icons that Windows uses to display standard objects, folders, files.